Tale From the Deep

    The little fish looked in awe, a sight to behold, a gentle-slow moving Whale Shark hovering right in front of his eyes. The juvenile fish can only lay motionless in front of the gaze of the Whale Shark. It was not fear, probably, but some admiration is definitely there, in no small number, no less. The Whale Shark bears some nasty looking scars.

    Battle scars

    The small fish muttered to himself. One was slicing thinly across the Whale Shark large, long body from just behind the left gills to the underbelly. Its aged wound suggests the battle was long gone, but the scar remains nonetheless. One can only argue about the pain it may still cause.

    He may be a fighter, holding on up to 3 enemies at once. Who is he fighting? A group of passing Orcas? Opportunist Great White? Wandering Humans? Who dares to even come up with a malicious intent on this magnificent Whale Shark?

Hobi Baru dan Semacamnya

Jumat, 16 Juli 2021

    Sudah setahun ini aku berhenti main Dota, dan beralih menggunakan laptop untuk keperluan kuliah dan sekarang untuk keperluan sehari-hari. Laptop yang kugunakan tidaklah sekuat komputer, jadi Dota di luar dari kemungkinan jenis hiburan yang bisa dilakukan. Tapi ini tidak menghentikanku untuk mengikuti perkembangan Dota (walau intensitasnya menurun drastis dibanding dulu saat masih aktif bermain) dan terkadang beberapa video di Youtube pun masih kutonton, terutama dari salah satu streamer Dota favorit.